Totally agree. I'm still very early in my recovery from diet culture and learning to eat intuitively. The more I learn, the more I realize my body is just fine. The cognitive dissonance I feel comes from living in a body that's deemed unacceptable by most of society. The bias is what needs to change.

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THIS! Wishing you strength and peace on this journey 🙏 ❤️

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

"Our bodies are not objects for colonization or comparison or consumption." YESSSSSSSSS

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Congratulations - I can't wait to read this! Just pre-ordered :)

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Kate, I CANNOT WAIT to read this! (And the cover is 🔥.)

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023Author

🙏❤️ And SO excited for Fat Talk's release. I recommended it to a friend just last night (after her daughter was called "too wide" by her soccer coach, filling both of us with rage and despair). You are doing the proverbial lord's work!

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

I really like that idea of body reflexivity -- "your body is for you, my body is for me"!

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

So excited to have pre-ordered. I will forget that I have done so and know I will be thrilled next January to have it arrive in my mailbox! I follow many, many folks involved in the fat liberation sphere and have been so excited to start following your work — you have introduced a new way of thinking about weight stigma due to your philosophy discipline. I don’t know how I first found your Substack (likely from Burnt Toast), but I am glad that I did!

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Down girl changed my life. I love, absolutely love, your work and your mind and writing. For deeply personal reasons I am excited for this book, and for loving to learn from you I am excited for this book.

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(And preordered)

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

Thank you for this! Have pre-ordered from my local bookstore; I love all your work.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

We need to get more radical. I love it. Can't wait to read the book.

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Cannot wait!!

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Wonderful and pre-ordered!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

You're very welcome.

I most certainly appreciate publicly facing and engaged academics such as yourself.

You are doing important work and it is much appreciated!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

P.S. Just learned about you and your oeuvre from today's NY Times article about Oprah Winfrey's public embrace of the newly available weight loss drugs. You seem as ambivalent about those as I am...

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Author

Thank you for your kind words. I'm very worried about them, and the resulting profiteering, in ways the article maybe didn't fully capture (since it was just select quotes). More on this topic soon, I hope. Thanks again

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

Dear Dr. Manne,

I find you to be a lucid thinker and an exquisite writer--unfailingly clear at every turn.

It's very enriching to engage with your take on this subject.

I suppose radical self-love and profound self-acceptance are the keys, anyway we cut it...

To be honest, I have found that intermittent fasting works for me.

NOT to say that my adulthood practices are NOT a reaction to childhood trauma about being teased about being chunky/stocky/ out of shape...

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Kate Manne


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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Kate Manne

Yay!! Congratulations, this post is so 🔥🔥🔥! Love it. I totally get now why “Unshrinking” was the perfect choice for a title.

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