Jun 27, 2022Liked by Kate Manne

I like that you put ‘convenient proxy for such resentments’ so very true.

I had an abortion when I was 19 and just about to begin the second year of my Philosophy degree. I must say, I didn’t regret it but I did go through a profound grieving process, I felt hollow, ashamed and depressed for pretty much my entire second year.

My partner who’s a woman has had two abortions and we were discussing the overturning of Roe vs Wade this weekend.

The idea that abortion is somehow the selfish, easy and evil way out of our God-given role as women is so far from the truth.

Most women have abortions because they simply aren’t equipped to bring a baby into this world financially, physically, emotionally. In many ways we’re doing what we always do and put the lives of others before our own, even when that life is yet to begin we’re in care and protect mode.

We’d rather endure the pain, grief and shame that often comes with abortion than fumble through parenthood filled with resentment.

I didn’t realise at the time, but I now feel lucky that being from the UK I was able to get an abortion without the added stress and strain of state restraint.

I’ve been hoping you would write something - thanks Kate and congratulations on your new substack! Can’t wait to read more. All the best.

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Kate Manne

As usual, beautifully written and thought-provoking. When I made my decision and In the 40+ years since I had my safe, legal, hospital abortion (during my first year of law school), I never regretted it for one second. It is unthinkable to me that I might have been forced to give birth. Yet here we are. I am so angry and afraid for women. Nothing to do but fight now and I'm here for it.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Kate Manne

I'm filled with gratitude for this. Every legislator and judge in this country should be forced to read it. (Oh, but that would violate their right to autonomy. 😡 )

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Anti abortion dudes who think a fetus is a person need to spend 24 hours confined in an artificial womb. I would wager that they would not last one conscious hour.

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